
Our ministries are designed to equip, encourage, inspire and foster a genuine sense of community

Our Ministries

Jesus’ last command shapes our calling as Christians — make disciples everywhere.

We go the walls of our church to support the Jesus The Centre Ministries family in Perth, Australia, and around the globe. These include equipping and training, church planting, and supporting cross-cultural workers to the farthest places on earth.

The staff team at the Jesus The Centre Ministries Church help engage, encourage and equip, as we follow and practice the way of Jesus together in community. Our team is made up of diverse people from within our community, who are using their strengths and gifts to serve the greater body.

If you are interested joining our team, or have skills that you could contribute to our community, please email your interest to

Get Involved Today

A huge part of belonging in any church community is finding ways to get involved.
We’d love to help you find an area or ministry that God leads you to serve in.

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